Welcome to St. Rose of Lima
“God is Love,” and transformed by the love of Jesus Christ in our lives, we actively seek to share His Peace with any and all who are searching for healing, acceptance, mercy, forgiveness, and the wonder of God’s loving presence today.
Welcome new parishioners! If you would like to join St. Rose of Lima Parish, please call the rectory at 516.798.4992, or complete this fillable form (open in Acrobat, complete, and save to your computer) and email it back to lindam@srolchurch.org
St. Rose of Lima Mass and Events
Mass Schedule
Saturday Evening Vigil – 5:15 pm
8:00 am – in church and live-streamed on our website homepage, Facebook, or YouTube channel
10:00 am – Family Mass
Noon – Choir Mass
5:15 pm – Contemporary Music Mass
Monday – Friday: 7:30 am & 9:00 am
Saturday: 8:00 am
Monday: 7:30 pm
Civic Holidays
7:30am & 9:00 am
Upcoming Events
Fr. Gerard’s Weekly Column: 2/16/25
Blessed is the one who delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on his law, day and night. The Gospel reading for today is Luke’s version of the Beatitudes, and it is offered from the plain, rather than the mount, as we see in Matthew's Gospel. The sermon begins with contrasting images of the blessings and the woes. These contrasting blessings and woes point to one of the major themes in Luke’s Gospel: the great reversal being realized in the coming of the kingdom of God. Luke places a special emphasis on the social and economic conditions that created the significant disparity among the people. Throughout his public ministry, Jesus invited his followers to trust in God and be open to the kingdom of God where God’s blessings and wisdom are abundant. Pope Benedict XVI, in his book...
Parish News
Blood Drive
The New York Blood Center (NYBC) recently...
Camps ‘R’ Us
We're excited to host Camps 'R' Us this summer....
Lent – Pilgrims of Hope
Fr. Patrick Nolan joins us this year to offer a...
Donate to St. Rose of Lima Parish
Due to the faithfulness and sacrifice you have shown by your contributions to St. Rose of Lima Parish, we have been able to maintain the essential ministries which make St. Rose a vital center of Catholic Spirituality, both in prayer and in ministering to those in need.
Please take a moment to watch this short video on Stewardship, by Franciscan Media!