Parish Outreach

Parish Outreach Coordinators
Sr. Carol Radosti and Ann Hedgis
Phone: 516.798.4954
Parish Social Ministry
Through Parish Social Ministry the faith community is called to live out the gospel and to proclaim how we can grow in love with God and neighbor. It is a ministry of relationship, direct services to those in need, empowerment, advocacy, organizing, socialization and global awareness.
Respect Life
Our Mission is to promote respect for all human life from conception to natural death, as a gift from God, worthy of protection. As a parish family, we strive to accomplish this through Prayer, Education, Advocacy, Care and Encouragement. Meetings are held once a month – check the bulletin for dates and times or call the parish Rectory office.
My Club
My Club is for meeting new people – connecting and reconnecting women of the Massapequas back into the community! Members are typically 55+. My Club usually meets the last Tuesday of every month – call Diana for more information at 516.799.5154.
Ministry of Consolation
Other Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- The Ad Hoc Committee
- Alanon
- Nursing Home Visitors
- Retired Friends
Donate to St. Rose of Lima Parish
Due to the faithfulness and sacrifice you have shown by your contributions to St. Rose of Lima Parish, we have been able to maintain the essential ministries which make St. Rose a vital center of Catholic Spirituality, both in prayer and in ministering to those in need.