About Our Ministries
Here at St. Rose of Lima, it is a sharing of many ministries to continue the great work of the past 70 plus years. It is a sharing of many ministries in dreaming great dreams concerning the needed areas of ministry we have not yet touched. Every year we need to take but a single step to touch the heart and soul of someone unknown to us. Together, let us take that next step.
Interested in volunteering? What are the gifts that you have been given that you would like to share with the community? If you are interested in becoming involved with or learn more about any of the ministries listed, please contact the Rectory at 516.798.4992.
St. Rose of Lima Parish Ministries
For more information, please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 516.541.1712.
Youth Athletics
The St. Rose CYO ministry is proud to provide our youngsters (grades K – 12) with the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports while teaching them sportsmanship and fair play.
For more information, please contact the St. Rose CYO office by email at or visit our website.
Youth Ministry
For more information, please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 516.541.1712 or email Tom and Adam:
Thomas Griffin, Pastoral Associate:
Adam Grand, Campus Minister and Youth Evangelization:
Family Ministry
Meetings are held monthly to plan activities at the Family Mass which include the whole family, especially those with young children. The Committee’s goal is to help provide an atmosphere where faith can be shared, developed and renewed, with a sense of joy and celebration. Join them Sunday mornings. Consider attending this liturgy and see how involved in the Mass your child will be!
For more information, please contact Matt & Kelly Baroletti at 516.798.6026 or check out our Facebook Page.
Liturgical Ministers
For more information, please contact the Rectory at 516.798.4992.
Marriage Ministries
Includes FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study), our Pre-Cana ministry, and Wedding Rehearsal Volunteers.
For more information, please contact the Rectory at 516.798.4992.
Men's Ministry
The St. Rose of Lima Men of Solidarity are dedicated Catholic men who gather to express their feelings, beliefs, and experiences amongst others who share the same values and convictions, thereby encouraging them to grow in understanding of themselves and their purpose in life and in the Church, that they may be the men that God has called them to be.
For more information, please contact the Rectory at 516.798.4992.
Music Ministry
For more information, please contact our music director John Buckle at 516.798.4992 x240.
Respect Life Ministry
Our Mission is to promote respect for all human life from conception to natural death, as a gift from God, worthy of protection. As a parish family, we strive to accomplish this through Prayer, Education, Advocacy, Care & Encouragement. Meetings are held once a month – check the bulletin for dates and times or call the parish Outreach office. To see the Diocesan Respect Life website, click here!
Donate to St. Rose of Lima Parish
Due to the faithfulness and sacrifice you have shown by your contributions to St. Rose of Lima Parish, we have been able to maintain the essential ministries which make St. Rose a vital center of Catholic Spirituality, both in prayer and in ministering to those in need.