Religious Education

Office of Faith Formation


Tuesday & Saturday Faith Formation School Office ext. 243

Coordinator of Religious Education

Gracemarie Rozea 516.541.1712 ext. 241

Office Assistants

Stephanie Imbornoni ext. 242

Laurie May ext. 252

Kathy Paulis ext. 239

Grace Vitale

Religious Formation Mission Statement

The St. Rose of Lima Office of Faith Formation seeks to foster the knowledge and understanding of God and growth in relationship with God, to the youngest members of our parish community. The understanding of God begins in the home, the Domestic Church, and is experienced through love, prayers, meals, forgiveness and sharing as a family. “Parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.” (NDC 212) Parental and family involvement in the life of the Church is vital to the faith formation of our parish children.

In the catechetical mission of our religious formation program, we seek:

  • to lead the students to develop a deep and personal relationship with Jesus
  • to promote life-long formation in the Catholic faith, through age appropriate religious and sacramental formation
  • to lead the students and their families to participate in the parish faith community and its Sacramental life
  • to help the students to form a moral conscience rooted in Gospel discipleship
  • to raise student and family awareness and create opportunities for service to those in need
  • to support parents in their primary faith responsibilities to their children.

Religious formation classes are only one aspect of the faith journey of a child. Worship, prayer, and outreach go hand in hand with faith development. Participation at prayer services, sacramental preparation, retreats, and stewardship events is an integral part of the formation of the child. It is our expectation that parents will bring their children to hear the Word of God and celebrate at the Table of the Lord at Sunday Mass.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we inspire to make each person’s faith alive and active so that their personal response models the teaching of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Religious Faith Formation Policy

St. Rose of Lima Religious Formation Program is open to all young parishioners who do not attend a Catholic elementary or middle school. Our program begins in first grade and concludes with the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation in the fall of 9th grade. All students are strongly encouraged to continue their faith journey by participating in the parish youth ministry.

The sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation are two-year programs. Preparation for Eucharist and Reconciliation begins in first grade and is celebrated at the conclusion of the grade two instructional year. First and second-grade children attend bi-monthly classes in the parish school taught by parent catechists under the direction of the religious formation coordinator. Our second-grade program gathers children in small groups in a home setting facilitated by two adult catechists.  Children along with their parent or another adult will attend designated grade level sessions during the year.

The faith journey to full initiation in the Catholic faith begins at baptism and culminates with the celebration of Confirmation. In order to enter into the Confirmation program at St. Rose of Lima, all students are required to complete the first six years of religious formation in the Catholic Church. The Confirmation program encompasses the grade seven and grade eight instructional years. The celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation occurs in the fall of 9th grade. OCIA for Children is available for those students who have not regularly attended instruction. An individualized catechetical plan for the child will be developed and discussed with the parent and implemented by the religious formation office on a needs basis.

Letter to Our Parents

We know how busy you are; there are just so many hours and so much to do. Religion class can seem like “just one more thing” on your schedule. But we hope that you’ll come to see it as much more than that. It is one hour in your child’s week when they can gather with other children to concentrate on what it means to be a Catholic, a follower of Jesus Christ, and to learn what the church and gospels teach. Our staff and catechists will do our best to make this hour as interesting and inspiring as we can. We will do our best to teach the lessons in their textbooks, to pray with them, and to involve them in faith-building activities. But then it comes down to you.

What you do and say as Catholic parents will teach your child far more than we ever could. Your example at home speaks volumes. And so we ask you to review your child’s lessons each week and share the activities they bring home. Attend Mass regularly so your child experiences being part of a worshipping parish community. As a family, talk about the gospel reading and homily and assist your children in learning how to reflect on its meaning in their lives. Remember to pray at home as a family, and be mindful that our children truly learn the most valuable life lessons mirroring the examples set by the adults in their lives, especially their parents.

Bless your children each and every day, making the Sign of the Cross on their forehead upon their rising or at the end of a day. To this end, share this ritual and simple prayer with your children.

Parent/Guardian: May God walk with you in all you do and say this day. Child: May God also walk with you.

Parent/Guardian: We ask these things (while making the Sign of the Cross) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We look forward to working with you, and we need and appreciate your prayerful support!

New Family Registration
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our religious formation program! Our goal is to support each family in their faith journey with their children as they strive for full, active, and conscious participation in the life of the Church and the parish. As part of the registration process, we ask that you prayerfully reflect on God’s presence in your life and the life of each member of your family and commitment to:

Join us in weekly worship as an integral member of the St. Rose of Lima community of faith,
Support the formation of your children by actively engaging in family prayer and Gospel reflection in the home and reviewing your child’s instructional
Material to support our catechetical efforts
To recognize that discipleship is a lifelong spiritual journey for every member of your family
To embrace Catholic stewardship as a way of life and participate in the life of the Church by the sacrificial giving of your;
Time ~ growing spiritually through worship, prayer, and Gospel reflection
Talent ~ recognizing your God-given abilities and talents and sharing them with the parish community and the world at large
Treasure ~ sharing by contributions to support St. Rose of Lima Church as well as other noteworthy causes
New Family Registration
All new families must be registered with our parish. The parish fillable census form is available for download, CLICK HERE. Save the file to your computer and then fill in all information using proper names for all members of your family. Print the completed form and call our office at (516) 541-1712 for office hours and to set up an appointment to meet with a coordinator or staff support member. This gives our staff the opportunity to provide specific information about our program by grade level, discuss the individual needs of your children and discuss expectations for both the parents and the children, and if you are so inclined, invite you to become actively involved in our catechetical ministry.

What do you need to provide for Faith Formation registration? In addition to the completion of the parish census form, you will need the following:

A copy of each child’s baptismal certificate
If you have recently moved to the area and your child/ren were enrolled in a religious education program at your former parish, please contact them and request a Letter of Transfer. This required document provides us with the catechetical information necessary to place your child in the appropriate level of instruction.
Please bring a personal check. Fees vary depending on how many children will be registered.
Registration for existing parish families is conducted each year in March.

Welcome to St. Rose of Lima Religious Formation!

Mission and Policies

Religious Formation Mission Statement
The St. Rose of Lima Office of Faith Formation seeks to foster the knowledge and understanding of God and growth in relationship with God, to the youngest members of our parish community. The understanding of God begins in the home, the Domestic Church, and is experienced through love, prayers, meals, forgiveness, and sharing as a family. “Parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.” (NDC 212) Parental and family involvement in the life of the Church is vital to the faith formation of our parish children.

In the catechetical mission of our religious formation program, we seek:

  • to lead the students to develop a deep and personal relationship with Jesus
  • to promote life-long formation in the Catholic faith, through age-appropriate religious and sacramental formation
  • to lead the students and their families to participate in the parish faith community and its Sacramental life
  • to help the students
  • to form a moral conscience rooted in Gospel discipleship
  • to raise student and family awareness and create opportunities for service to those in need
  • to support parents in their primary faith responsibilities to their children.

Religious formation classes are only one aspect of the faith journey of a child. Worship, prayer, and outreach go hand in hand with faith development. Participation in prayer services, sacramental preparation, retreats, and stewardship events is an integral part of the formation of the child. It is our expectation that parents will bring their children to hear the Word of God and celebrate at the Table of the Lord at Sunday Mass.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we inspire to make each person’s faith alive and active so that their personal response models the teaching of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

St. Rose of Lima Religious Formation Program is open to all young parishioners who do not attend a Catholic elementary or middle school. Our program begins in first grade and concludes with the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation in the fall of 9th grade. All students are strongly encouraged to continue their faith journey by participating in the parish youth ministry.

The sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation are two-year programs. Preparation for Eucharist and Reconciliation begins in first grade and is celebrated at the conclusion of the grade two instructional year. First and second-grade children attend bi-monthly classes in the parish school taught by parent catechists under the direction of the religious formation coordinator. Our second-grade program gathers children in small groups in a home setting facilitated by two adult catechists. Children along with their parent or another adult will attend designated grade-level sessions during the year.

The faith journey to full initiation in the Catholic faith begins at baptism and culminates with the celebration of Confirmation. To enter into the Confirmation program at St. Rose of Lima, all students are required to complete the first six years of religious formation in the Catholic Church. The Confirmation program encompasses the grade seven and grade eight instructional years. The celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation occurs in the fall of 9th grade. OCIA for Children is available for those students who have not regularly attended instruction. An individualized catechetical plan for the child will be developed and discussed with the parent and implemented by the religious formation office on a needs basis.

Our Catechists
All adults in our parish community are invited to become an integral part of the catechetical mission of our Church as a catechist. After an initial interview with the Coordinator of Faith Formation, applicants are required to complete a Background Check and Volunteer Code of Conduct. In addition, all catechists must attend a Virtus Protecting God’s Children live training session which is offered at St. Rose of Lima as well as throughout the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Compliance with this mandated program includes reading online bulletins issued by the Virtus program several times each year. In addition, all new catechists must attend a New Catechist Training session before beginning the instructional year and submit a Catechist Commitment Agreement annually.

The Coordinator of Faith Formation conducts a minimum of three catechist meetings for each grade level during the instructional year. Catechists must attend their instructional grade level meeting and have the option of either a day or evening session which is held in either the Rectory Meeting Room or the Religious Formation meeting room located in Room 108 of our parish school – catechists will be notified of the location.

The attendance and progress of our students are monitored and recorded by the catechist. Any issues of concern are addressed with the coordinator of our program at which time parents are contacted.

Our Catechists

All adults in our parish community are invited to become an integral part of the catechetical mission of our Church as a catechist. After an initial interview with the Coordinator of Faith Formation, applicants are required to complete a Background Check and Volunteer Code of Conduct. In addition, all catechists must attend a Virtus Protecting God’s Children live training session which is offered at St. Rose of Lima as well as throughout the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Compliance of this mandated program includes reading of online bulletins issued by the Virtus program several times each year. In addition, all new catechists must attend a New Catechist Training session prior to beginning the instructional year and submit a Catechist Commitment Agreement annually.

The Coordinator of Faith Formation conduct a minimum of three catechist meetings for each grade level during the instructional year. Catechists must attend their instructional grade level meeting and have the option of either a day or evening session which is held in etiher the Rectory Meeting Room or the Religious Formation meeting room located in Room 108 of our parish school – catechists will be notified of the location.

The attendance and progress of our students is monitored and recorded by the catechist. Any issues of concern are addressed with the coordinator of our program at which time parents are contacted.


Curriculum Portal Links

Sadlier Christ in Us – Grades 1-6

Confirmation Sacramental Program
Chosen – Grades 7 & 8

Sadlier Curriculum Scope & Sequence

Grade 1
Grade 3 
Grade 4
Grade 5 
Grade 6

Sacramental Documents and Resources

Holy & Feast Days

On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass. When a holy day of obligation falls on a Monday or on a Saturday, the obligation to participate in the Eucharist is abrogated; in other words, although the day is still celebrated as a holy day, there is no obligation to attend Mass. The three holy days affected are: January 1, Mary Mother of God; August 15th, Assumption of Mary; and November 1, All Saints Day. The holy days which are never affected are Ascension Thursday, Immaculate Conception and Christmas.