
Baptism Information
The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on most Sundays throughout the year at 2:00 pm in the Church. Parents should contact the Rectory to arrange a brief interview with a deacon or priest three months prior to the birth of their child. At the end of the meeting, parents can select a date for their child’s baptism, and receive further information regarding the required baptism instruction and paperwork.
If you are interested in having your child baptized at St. Rose of Lima, please download and complete this Baptism Appointment Request fillable form in its entirety, and email it to You will be contacted within a couple of days by email with more information and to schedule your appointment. Please read this document for more information concerning your child’s baptism at our parish.
Required documents (due at least 2 weeks prior to baptism date):
- Copy of child’s birth certificate
- Sponsor Certificate (please read for requirements of a Sponsor) – one for each Catholic Godparent
- Preparation class – in-person for 1st time parents at St. Rose; video course for subsequent children – we are currently using the Reborn Sacramental online program from
Parents have an obligation to choose faithful godparents for their children. Questions abound concerning the choice of godparents. While the priests and deacons of the parish are always available to answer any questions, the following information may be beneficial in helping parents fulfill this important task.
The role of a godparent is to help the baptized child to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism he or she has received and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it. Church law dictates that there is to be one godfather or one godmother or one of each.
To be permitted to take on the function of a godparent, a person must:
- Have completed the 16th year of age.
- Be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most Holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on.
- Not be bound by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared
- Not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized.
- A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community, e.g. an Episcopalian or Lutheran, may participate together with a Catholic godparent and then only as a witness of the baptism.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can an unbaptized person, i.e. a non-Christian, be a godparent?
No. Because the sponsor or Christian witness renews the promises made at their own baptism, an unbaptized person cannot be a godparent.
Can there be a proxy for the godparent?
Yes. Proxies for the godparents are acceptable when the sponsors cannot be physically present on the day of the baptism. The name of the designated sponsor is entered in the register. The name of the proxy is entered under the name of the sponsor with the remark “proxy.”
Can the godparents be changed at a later date?
No. Although other changes can be authorized for the baptismal register, this one is not permitted in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Can there be two godmothers or two godfathers?
No. When there are two sponsors, they are “spiritual parents” and are to be a godfather and godmother.
If you have recently had a child baptized here at St. Rose, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please download our survey, complete it and return it to the Rectory. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
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