
Our Location

St. Rose of Lima Parish
2 Bayview Avenue
Massapequa, NY 11758

The main entrance to the church is located on Merrick Road, and there are two entrances to the church from the parking lot, and two from Bayview Ave.

If you are driving, the main entrance to our church parking lot is from Merrick Road, or head south on Bayview Ave. and turn left onto William Street for an alternate entrance to the parking lot.

Direction Cards

For your convenience, a packet of 50 direction cards is available for $5.00. If you are interested in obtaining one or more packets, please stop by the Rectory or call at (516) 798-4992 for more information

To print a map of the St. Rose of Lima complex, download the image blow.

Donate to St. Rose of Lima Parish

Due to the faithfulness and sacrifice you have shown by your contributions to St. Rose of Lima Parish, we have been able to maintain the essential ministries which make St. Rose a vital center of Catholic Spirituality, both in prayer and in ministering to those in need.