Respect Life
About Our Respect Life Ministry
The Mission of the Respect Life Ministry is to promote respect for all human life from conception to natural death, as a gift from God, worthy of protection. As a parish family, we strive to accomplish this through Prayer, Education, Advocacy, Witness and Support. The Committee meets once a month on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm, in the rectory. For more information, contact Phil Veltre at 516-732-5366, or email him at
Opportunities to Get Involved
March for Life and Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children – various Prayer and Action events.
Spiritual God-Parent Adoption Program kick off
May – June
Baby Bottle Collection to benefit the Life Center of Long Island.
Memorial Prayer Service for Aborted Children following morning Mass.
October – Respect Life Month
- Participate in the Stand up for Life Campaign
- Baby Shower collection to close the Spiritual God-Parent Adoption Program to benefit the Life Center of Long Island
- Other prayer events for Life.
Throughout the year we also participate in Parish Holy Hours, Prayer Services and Rosary Celebrations for Life

Spiritual God-parent Adoption Prayer
Lord Jesus,
Today I lift up in prayer the life of (insert a name), an unborn child. I ask you to protect and shield this child from all harm. Mary and Joseph, I ask your intercession for the parents of this child, that God would shower His love and mercy upon them and guide them at this difficult time. May He send His Spirit to empower them to choose life. I am confident, Lord, that my prayer is heard today, and I trust that you are at work in this and every circumstance.
Thank you Lord Jesus! …Amen
Donate to St. Rose of Lima Parish
Due to the faithfulness and sacrifice you have shown by your contributions to St. Rose of Lima Parish, we have been able to maintain the essential ministries which make St. Rose a vital center of Catholic Spirituality, both in prayer and in ministering to those in need.