Mass Intentions

About Mass Intentions
Mass intentions can be arranged by contacting the Rectory Office by phone at 516.798.4992, or email. Cards are available, and you may choose from one of the following options:
A Mass will be offered at St. Rose of Lima for a deceased loved one on a particular day and time as arranged with the rectory receptionist. There are two types of cards to choose from. The offering is either $20 or $25 depending upon the type of the card used.
A Mass will be offered for a deceased loved one by one of our diocesan retired priests, or by one of the various missions that we use, which are located throughout the world. Since the date and time the Mass will be offered is not known to us, it is “unannounced”. The offering is either $15 or $20, depending upon the type of card used.
Mass can be offered for someone who is living, e.g. for a speedy recovery, anniversary, birthday, etc. The arrangements are the same as above, except that the Mass card will be different.
Mass Intentions Guidelines
1. Collective or multiple Mass intentions are available at the Saturday 8:00 am liturgy and the Sunday 11:00 am liturgy. Collective or multiple Mass intentions assist people in arranging for a Mass intention sooner than normally possible. According to diocesan directives, the following requirements must be met with reference to collective or multiple intention Masses:
- The intentions are remembered at one Mass by one priest
- Those who arrange for the intentions must agree beforehand and freely to have their intention remembered with other intentions
- The collective or multiple intention Mass may not occur more than twice a week
- The usual offering of $20 may be asked for each intention
2. Sunday Mass intentions, for any given month, will be available on the first business day of the preceding month. When the first day of the preceding month falls on a weekend or holiday, intentions will be available on the next business day following the first.
3. Only one family name per intention should be listed.
4. A Mass intention will only include the person’s name. We will no longer include “4th anniversary/birthday in heaven,” etc. for the announcement at Mass or in the bulletin.
5. Masses must be requested in person at the rectory and not by phone.
6. No more than one Mass in any particular week may be offered for the same intention, even when different people make the same request.
What does it mean to have a Mass “offered” for someone?
Mass intentions refer to the particular purpose for which a specific Mass is offered. Most commonly, a Mass is requested for the repose of the soul of someone who has died. One should never forget the infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit one’s soul, both for the living and the deceased.
Although the origins of the practice of offering Mass intentions date to the early Church, we still recognize its importance today. To have a Mass offered on the occasion of a birthday, anniversary or special need is appropriate, beneficial and appreciated. Really, there is no greater gift that we can give.
Daily and Sunday Mass intentions to be offered here at St. Rose of Lima are available, and there are many weekday intentions open for this year. If you would like to remember a loved one in this way, please stop by or call the Rectory for more information.
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