October is Respect Life Month, and also a month when we honor our Blessed Mother. The St. Rose of Lima Respect Life Spiritual Adoption Program comes to a close this month. A ‘baby shower’ will be held during the month to benefit the Life Center of Long...
Dear Parishioners, School Families and All Staff, Last week we posted a statement on our website and social media referring to developments in the Diocesan bankruptcy case. That statement was also sent to all on our email address list. I am sharing that statement as...
Our Family Mass annual breakfast is Sunday October 20, a fun event for families of all ages! Tickets are on sale and available for purchase either 1) in person after the Family Mass, Sept. 29, Oct. 6 & 13; 2) through the rectory or 3) St. Rose Ministries...
Join us for our first concert of the season and welcome back Michael Kaminski, concert organist! Sunday, October 6, at 3:00pm in church; wine and cheese reception to follow/free will offering. See flyer for further details.