Fr. Gerard’s Weekly Column: 12/1/24

Let all mortal flesh keep silence, And with fear and trembling stand; Ponder nothing earthly minded, For with blessing in His hand, Christ our God to earth descendeth, Our full homage to demand.

The popularity of Christmas music is due in great part to human sentimentality. Popular Christmas music helps create the mood of what we hope the Christmas season will be. I have known people to play Christmas music in the middle of the summer because they needed to feel the peace, comfort and joy that they perceive Christmas to be. This seasonal music also plays a part in the commercial success of Christmas. If people feel like Christmas, they will do their shopping and lots of it. From the faith perspective, Christmas music can move us past this important season of Advent. Fortunately, there are some wonderful traditional songs that do help us to prepare for Christmas and deepen our appreciation for the graces this season brings.

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence is an ancient chant that is a bit of an Advent and Christmas crossover. Its text focuses on the Christmas mystery but its call to silence and its musical style evoke an Advent feeling, which is one of silence. Advent begins as a silent and reflective time and builds as the time of preparation draws nearer to the celebration of Christmas. The poetic prose of the verses ponders the profoundness of the mystery of the incarnation, while the music itself is of a calm and reflective meter and tone. To appreciate the mystery that is to unfold, this simple chant encourages us to be silent for the sake of reverence and contemplation. As we begin this season amidst busyness and noise, we need to find silence so we may appreciate the presence of Christ.

The hymn is also used for Eucharistic devotion because silent reverence is necessary for us to appreciate that we are in the presence of Christ. It is, therefore, appropriate and necessary for us to create moments of silence in our lives and in Church. I am often asked to address the problem of a lack of silence, and, therefore, a lack of respect and reverence for the presence of Christ when we gather in our Church. As a collective Advent practice, let us commit ourselves to creating silence in our daily lives and respect the call for silence and reverence when it is called for as we gather to worship the Lord at Mass.

ADVENT WREATH – We enter the season of Advent this weekend, and, therefore, begin our faithful preparations for the celebration of Christ’s birth. This year we will continue the tradition of inviting families and individuals to sign up for the lighting of our Advent Wreath at Masses. The sign-up book can be found on the altar rail in front of the St. Joseph statue.

ADVENT ANGELS PROGRAM – The Advent Angels program gives the families of our parish an opportunity to help people who are less fortunate than themselves by giving with our hearts, with love and generosity.  All gifts are due on December 8.

ADVENT EVENTS – Mindful of our busy social calendars and lengthy to-do lists, I encourage you to take time to find the time and space to create a place for Christ to dwell within you by taking advantage of the opportunities that allow us to come together in prayer and peace during these days.

Into the Deep Prayer Challenge – An individual prayer program with daily reflections to guide us through Advent

A Week of Adoration – O Come, Let Us Adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament, Monday December 2 to Friday December 6 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm in the Father Graham Center Chapel

Advent Holy Hour – Our monthly parish Holy Hour will be led by Bishop Andrzej with praise and worship, music and a candle-lit atmosphere on Wednesday, December 11 at 7:30 pm in the church

Lessons and Carols – Come to sing and pray with our music ministries, Sunday, December 15 at

3:00 pm


Monday, December 9

7:30 am            –           9:00 am            –           7:30 pm

Please note that the 5:15 pm mass on Sunday December 8 is a Sunday mass and does not fulfill the Holy Day obligation.

NATIONAL NIGHT OF PRAYER FOR LIFE – Immediately after the 7:30 pm mass on December 9, we will participate in this annual national prayer vigil with a Holy Hour with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
