Fr. Gerard’s Weekly Column: 12/22/24

Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.

As this bulletin will be shared with both those who are with us on the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the joyful celebration of Christmas, the Gospel account of the visitation between the Blessed Mother and her cousin Elizabeth provides an appropriate context for our prayer and reflection during these days. During a 2004 visit to the Marian shrine in Lourdes, France, Pope Saint John Paul II reflected on the visitation of Elizabeth and Mary in this way.

What strikes us about Mary is above all her loving concern for her elderly relative. Hers is a practical love, one which is not limited to words of understanding but is deeply and personally involved in giving help. The Blessed Virgin does not merely give her cousin something of herself; she gives her whole self, asking nothing in return. Mary understood perfectly that the gift she received from God is more than a privilege; it is a duty which obliges her to serve others with the selflessness proper to love.  

Saint John Paul envisions the visitation as a total gift of self, with our Blessed Mother preceding the perfect gift of self which the child she carries will ultimately offer. The Incarnation of the Son of God, in the person of Jesus Christ, begins the salvation won on the cross. In receiving the gift of the Son of God, Mary immediately gives of herself in her visitation to Elizabeth. This is the disposition we are called to hold as we prepare to joyfully celebrate the birth of the Lord.

These days before and after Christmas are most certainly days of visitation. We will all encounter friends, relatives and strangers in our comings and goings throughout the season. These visits will happen in our homes, in public places, on the highway and very significantly in our parish church. In these celebrations of Christmas let us truly encounter and visit each other. In receiving Christ, may we receive each other practically, lovingly, compassionately, deeply and sacrificially. In opening our arms to the newborn King, we have a duty to respond to the privilege of his presence. We are obliged to respond to the toxic and divisive times in which we live, with genuine visitation. May these be joyful days, in which we encounter the Lord and his presence in each other. In the name of our entire parish community, I welcome all whose visitation we are privileged to experience during these holy days.

WELCOME HOME –Family members, friends, college students, and military personnel will travel great distances to be with loved ones and in those gatherings, they will feel at home and maybe even recognize the presence of Christ in the “home” they create together. In that same spirit, many will return home to Saint Rose of Lima this week. For the last several weeks we have been preparing ourselves and our parish community to be a worthy home for the Lord. And so, it is now our opportunity to welcome Him. In a particular way, we welcome him as he comes in the broken hearted, the estranged, the sorrowful, the poor, the afraid, the tired and the lonely. During these Christmas days, may all be welcomed as Christ.

CHRISTMAS GENEROSITY – Throughout these last several weeks, great efforts have been made to ensure that all our friends and neighbors would have gifts, food and other essential items as their families come together this Christmas. I also thank all who have helped us to worship well this Advent and now Christmas. We are blessed with dedicated staff and volunteers who have prepared the church for the Christmas liturgies.

CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE – Please see the information in the bulletin, website, and Facebook regarding the Christmas schedule. I encourage you to consider attending a mass other than the ones offered on Christmas Eve at 4:00 p.m. for a less crowded experience.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION – I invite you to take advantage of the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Priests will be hearing confessions on Monday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.
