Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported on recent research which stated that bible sales in the United States have surged dramatically in 2024 with a 22% increase from the previous year. Key factors include rising anxiety about world events, AI, and growing interest from younger generations, particularly Gen Z. It seems that new innovative bible designs and marketing have contributed to targeting new audiences. The new sales surge is also being linked to cultural influences such as social media and influencers sharing their faith. Not only is an increased interest in the scriptures a sign of hope, but it also validates the reason behind Pope Francis’ designation of the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time as Sunday of the Word of God.
In a catechesis on the significance of the proclamation of the scriptures at mass, the Holy Father stated:
“The pages of the Bible cease to be writings and become living words, spoken by God. It is God, who through the reader, speaks to us and questions us, we who listen with faith. We listen to it with our ears, and it passes to our hearts; it does not remain in our ears; it must go to the heart. And from the heart, it passes to the hands, to good deeds. This is the path which the Word of God follows: from our ears to our heart and hands.”
Inspired by the example of the youngest generation, may we seek to encounter the Lord more deeply in the Sacred Scriptures.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK – Catholic education continues to be an essential mission of our parish. That mission is fulfilled through the leadership of St. Rose of Lima Principal, Mr. Brian Jensen, and the dedicated efforts of our teachers, staff, and parents. The mission is made possible, however, because of the shared commitment that all of us have to the formation of our children. I am very proud, not only of the success our parish has had in the work of Catholic education, but in the success of our children who thrive because of the care and attention that this parish has given to Catholic schools and education in faith. Every member of our parish contributes to the mission of our school through your financial and prayerful support. On behalf of our school community, I thank the greater parish community for your generous and prayerful support of our school.
PRESENTATION OF THE LORD – The Presentation of the Lord celebrates the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. It is celebrated on February 2, 40 days after Christmas. The feast is also known as Candlemas because of the tradition of the blessing candles, recalling Simeon’s identification of Jesus as the “light to the nations.”
- Because the Feast of the Presentation falls on a Sunday this year, our parish will bless candles at all masses next weekend. You are invited to bring your candles from home for the blessing.
- We will also have special processions to begin the Saturday 5:15 pm mass, as well as the 10:00 am and 12:00 pm mass.
- At this weekend’s Family Mass, children will be given a coloring sheet to color and bring back next week so they can carry them in the procession at the beginning of Mass.
PRAYING FOR OUR COUNTRY – I was very moved by the prayer Cardinal Timothy Dolan offered at the inauguration of the President. His Eminence truly offered prayer and avoided making political statements in the name of God. His prayer also offered challenges in a way that did not provoke but called the listeners to ponder that they are called to be servants of the people they govern, and that their leadership will be regarded if it is reflective of God’s plan. I share the text with you so that you may make the prayer your own, and may offer it frequently in the days and months ahead.
“Be still and know that I am God, Supreme among the nations, supreme on the earth. Let us pray:
Remembering General George Washington on his knees at Valley Forge, recalling Abraham Lincoln at his second inaugural, ‘with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right,’ remembering General George Patton’s instructions to his soldiers as they began the Battle of the Bulge eight decades ago: ‘Pray! Pray when fighting. Pray alone. Pray with others. Pray by night. Pray by day.’ Observing the birthday of the Reverend Martin Luther King who warned, ‘Without God, our efforts turn to ashes.’
We, blessed citizens of this one nation under God, humbled by our claim that ‘In God We Trust,’ gather indeed this Inauguration Day to pray: for our President Donald J. Trump, his family, his advisers, his Cabinet, his aspirations, his Vice President; for the Lord’s blessings upon Joseph Biden, for our men and women in uniform, for each other, whose hopes are stoked this new year, this Inauguration Day, we cannot err in relying upon that prayer from the Bible, upon which our president will soon place his hand in oath, as we make our own the supplications of King Solomon for wisdom as he began his governance.
God of our fathers, in your wisdom, you sent man to govern your creatures, to govern in holiness and justice, to render justice with integrity: Give our leader wisdom, for he is your servant aware of his own weakness and brevity of life, if wisdom, which comes from you be not with him, he shall be held in no esteem. Send wisdom from Heavens that she may be with him, that he may know your designs. Please, God bless America, please mend her every flaw. You are the God in whom we trust, who lives and reigns forever and ever.”