Al-Anon Meeting
Meeting at the Fr. Graham Center meeting room.
Meeting at the Fr. Graham Center meeting room.
Meeting locations: Fr. Graham Center Chapel
Bereavement Group - contact Outreach for info
Happy Thanksgiving! One Mass today at 9:00 am - bring your bread &/or wine for your family's celebration to Mass to be blessed. The rectory will be closed in observance […]
Regular Mass schedule; Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 and 9:00 am
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is celebrated on Saturdays from 4 – 5pm and following the 9am Mass Monday-Friday.
Vigil Mass for Sunday
8am (church and livestreamed), 10am (Family Mass), 12pm (choir) & 5:15pm (Contemporary Music)
Blessing by Bishop John O. Barres at our noon Mass
A special Mass to bless all CYO participants. See bulletin for further details.
Spend some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, 8am - 8pm Monday thru Friday, in the Fr. Graham Chapel. Contact Tom Griffin to volunteer for a time slot - […]
The Rosary Society along with the Men of Solidarity invite you to join them to pray the rosary on Monday evenings, in church, at 7pm.